Key Stages of Road Safety Audit
Road Safety Audits are carried out at key stages during the design and construction process:

Stage 1 - Completion of the Preliminary Design
This may be the last opportunity to establish land requirements. It is therefore essential to consider road safety issues which may
have a bearing on land take.

Stage 2 - Completion of Detailed Design
At this stage the audit is concerned with the more detailed aspects. The Audit Team will consider the layout of junctions, vertical
alignment, drainage, position of signs, carriageway markings, lighting provision and other such issues. For smaller schemes it is
often possible to combine Stage 1 and Stage 2 audits.

Stage 3 - Completion of Construction
The audit should be undertaken when the works are substantially complete and preferably before the works are opened to road
users. The Auditors will examine the works from all users’ viewpoints and will drive/walk/cycle through the scheme as appropriate.
Stage 3 Audits are frequently undertaken in the form of joint site inspections with representatives of the local Highway Authority
and Police thus ensuring a smooth transition of the works to public ownership if required.

Stage 4 - Monitoring
The highway authority will arrange for the scheme to be monitored after 12 and 36 months to ensure that the works are continuing
to operate safely. Accident records are analysed and a further site inspection will be carried out to identify if any further safety
related measures should be implemented.
